
April Newsletter

What’s going on in your favourite club?

Hi everybody – just a short newsletter to keep you up to date.
A great big thank you for all the support we are getting on Friday’s – the burgers are still selling very well, Fridays special starting this 
Friday is a – Beer, Burger and chips $20(this is for either a beef, fish, chicken or vegan burger).

We have also started an ANZAC biscuit raffle – $1 tickets – this is also going very well, the meat raffle is still going as well – also well 
supported thank you.
We have poppies for sale to support ANZAC day (available at the bar – cash or eftpos, paywave now available!).

Great to see the club busy on Friday nights.

Past Events

St. Patrick’s Day – evening was great fun everybody enjoyed themselves – Don looked great with his green hair.
Quiz night – was a great success everybody enjoyed themselves – winners were team ‘Squishies’ well done they won a $60 bar voucher – we are planning to run another one in May so look out for the notification.

Upcoming Events

Duck Calling competition – 3rd of May – see how many ducks you can call.
Breast Cancer Awareness Fund Raiser – planned for end of May – all suggestions welcome – to be confirmed.
Special Meeting – on the 19th of April – will just be a Presidents  Report on clubs’ situation to date.

Don’t forget that the club is available to hire for special functions, 
it’s a great venue – contact Julie in the office 0276229309

If you saw this and didn’t receive it in your email let Julie know your membership number and email address to update our contacts.

St Paddy’s Day Winners 2024
Events, News

Gumboot Friday!

This Friday 3rd November we’re asking every member that wears their (clean) gumboots for a $3.00 donation. Those that don’t wear their gumboots will be requested to make a $5.00 donation.

Feel free to decorate your gumboots however you want, we’d love to see what you can come up with.

Donations and fines can be paid by EFTPOS at the bar (pay with your drink/food order) or cash.

We’ll have burgers, chips and sausages available.

This is in support of

Gumboot Friday, founded by mental health advocate Mike King, is a free counselling service for any young person in New Zealand aged 25 and under.

An overworked, underfunded, and under resourced public mental health service has led to excruciatingly long wait times for young people needing immediate help. Our free counselling platform provides a bridge to rangatahi in need by breaking down the barriers of cost and wait times.

By supporting Gumboot Friday, you’re making a real difference, helping us keep up with the rising demand and ensuring every young Kiwi gets the mental health support they deserve.


Shade awnings

First order of business for our new President after organising the after AGM BBQ was to arrange putting the shade awnings back up.

These provide a welcome respite from the sun while cooling off with a beverage in the large patio area. Additionally this year we have the awning above the BBQ stations which will no doubt please those performing cooking duties.

Photo of the club patio area looking from the main doors out over the patio toward the BBQs

2023 AGM Results

It was wonderful to see so many present to help ensure the continuation of the club and hear what we’ve got coming up in the way of challenges and ideas.

We have new executive leadership in Peter Clough & Arn Carr. If you don’t already know them, come on down on a Friday and get introduced. The rest of the executive and committee remain unchanged as each was prepared to stand again. See the contacts page for a full list of the executive and committee.

A huge Thank You to Peter Schare and Grant Northcott for their tenures as President and Vice-President respectively. Peter had some very kind words to say in his report as the out-going club president; including acknowledgements to all those staff and volunteers that have worked so hard over the last 12 months (often behind the scenes) to ensure the club keeps going and meets all it’s requirements.

After 12 years without an increase in the membership fee it was decided our 2023/2024 membership fees will be as follows.

1 year3 year5 year
Concession (Student/Gold Card)$40.00

Updated membership forms will be available ASAP, and a reminder that in order to be a member of an associated club (e.g. Squash, Walkers & Runners) you must have a valid Ruakura Campus Club membership.