Events, News

Matariki – Thursday Night 

Hi everybody, a quick note to remind you all that we’re doing Friday night on Thursday as we’ll be closed on Friday for the Matariki weekend.

Thursday 27th June – pretend it’s Friday night!

We’re doing all our usual Friday night things on Thursday.
We’ll be running the meat raffle.
The kitchen will be open with the Beer, Burger and chips $20 Special (this is for either a beef, fish, chicken or vegan burger)
I expect Peter is also arranging for a Soup of the Week $6.00 with a bun – come along and check it out.

Thank you to everyone that showed up last Friday in their rugby jerseys and accoutrements.
Events, News

Friday 20th June – Rugby Jersey night!

Rugby Jersey night!

Wear your favourite rugby jersey or shirt, there will be prizes for the oldest, newest, most worn out and strangest.  Go The Chiefs!

We’ll also be holding the usual meat raffle.

Fridays kitchen special is a – Beer, Burger and chips for $20 (beef, fish, chicken or vegan options available) We also have our Soup of the Week (Vegetable) $6.00 with a bun – come along and check it out.

Thanks to everyone that made it along to the Mad Hatters night on Friday the 7th, there were a lot of interesting hats. Who knew how many Pete had managed to collect?

Celebrating with our friends at Workshop Brewing Co.

So here it is, our hundredth brew,

We went big with something new.

In honour of things that I hold dear,

Like big red snapper, gurnard and deer.

We celebrated this momentous day,

By brewing our inaugural Big Red IPA!

Matt was kind enough to supply us with a 30L keg of Big Red, their 100th brew.

Expect complex notes of spicy toffee, caramel and resinous pine balanced with an assertive lingering bitterness. Big malts, big hops, big beer! (it’s 8.2% ABV, drink responsibly)

Events, News

Duck Calling competition – Friday 3rd of May

How many ducks can you call?

Pete has prepared the area for the event, the Maimai is ready, it’s going to be a great laugh – come on down ducks, don’t forget to practice so that you are ready. There will be prizes for best call (depends how many ducks respond) and a special prize for the person who laughs the most.

Meal deal for the night: Beer*, Burger and Chips $20.00

Beef, chicken, fish or vegan burgers available.

*Offer does not include “Double Vision – The Departed” beer.

The meat raffle will recommence this Friday, a great big thank you for supporting the recent Anzac biscuit raffles.

Upcoming events

Breast Cancer Awareness Fund Raiser – planned for end of May – pink ribbon dinner.

Quiz Night – We’re looking forward to doing another quiz night soon.

Can your group overthrow the ‘Squishies’?

Get your research materials out and start studying, we’ll confirm the date soon.

Do you have an email address? The newsletters may be getting blocked by Spark. Please let us know if that is the case and continue checking here for updates.


April Newsletter

What’s going on in your favourite club?

Hi everybody – just a short newsletter to keep you up to date.
A great big thank you for all the support we are getting on Friday’s – the burgers are still selling very well, Fridays special starting this 
Friday is a – Beer, Burger and chips $20(this is for either a beef, fish, chicken or vegan burger).

We have also started an ANZAC biscuit raffle – $1 tickets – this is also going very well, the meat raffle is still going as well – also well 
supported thank you.
We have poppies for sale to support ANZAC day (available at the bar – cash or eftpos, paywave now available!).

Great to see the club busy on Friday nights.

Past Events

St. Patrick’s Day – evening was great fun everybody enjoyed themselves – Don looked great with his green hair.
Quiz night – was a great success everybody enjoyed themselves – winners were team ‘Squishies’ well done they won a $60 bar voucher – we are planning to run another one in May so look out for the notification.

Upcoming Events

Duck Calling competition – 3rd of May – see how many ducks you can call.
Breast Cancer Awareness Fund Raiser – planned for end of May – all suggestions welcome – to be confirmed.
Special Meeting – on the 19th of April – will just be a Presidents  Report on clubs’ situation to date.

Don’t forget that the club is available to hire for special functions, 
it’s a great venue – contact Julie in the office 0276229309

If you saw this and didn’t receive it in your email let Julie know your membership number and email address to update our contacts.

St Paddy’s Day Winners 2024
Events, News

Gumboot Friday!

This Friday 3rd November we’re asking every member that wears their (clean) gumboots for a $3.00 donation. Those that don’t wear their gumboots will be requested to make a $5.00 donation.

Feel free to decorate your gumboots however you want, we’d love to see what you can come up with.

Donations and fines can be paid by EFTPOS at the bar (pay with your drink/food order) or cash.

We’ll have burgers, chips and sausages available.

This is in support of

Gumboot Friday, founded by mental health advocate Mike King, is a free counselling service for any young person in New Zealand aged 25 and under.

An overworked, underfunded, and under resourced public mental health service has led to excruciatingly long wait times for young people needing immediate help. Our free counselling platform provides a bridge to rangatahi in need by breaking down the barriers of cost and wait times.

By supporting Gumboot Friday, you’re making a real difference, helping us keep up with the rising demand and ensuring every young Kiwi gets the mental health support they deserve.