How many ducks can you call?
Pete has prepared the area for the event, the Maimai is ready, it’s going to be a great laugh – come on down ducks, don’t forget to practice so that you are ready. There will be prizes for best call (depends how many ducks respond) and a special prize for the person who laughs the most.
Meal deal for the night: Beer*, Burger and Chips $20.00
Beef, chicken, fish or vegan burgers available.
*Offer does not include “Double Vision – The Departed” beer.
The meat raffle will recommence this Friday, a great big thank you for supporting the recent Anzac biscuit raffles.
Upcoming events
Breast Cancer Awareness Fund Raiser – planned for end of May – pink ribbon dinner.
Quiz Night – We’re looking forward to doing another quiz night soon.
Can your group overthrow the ‘Squishies’?
Get your research materials out and start studying, we’ll confirm the date soon.
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