Notice is hereby given that the AGM of Ruakura Campus Club Inc. will be held in the RCC Conference room on Friday 13th October 2023 commencing at 6 pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following matters:
- Adoption of Annual Report and Financial Statements
- Appointment of Executive and other Committee Officers
The Committee calls for nominations for the following positions for the 2023/24 year:
Executive Board
- President
- Vice – President
- Secretary
Nomination forms for positions are available from the RCC Bar. Nominations must be completed, and original or scanned copies must be handed into the Club Administration no later than 5 pm 13th October 2023. Members may be nominated for more than one position, however, on appointment to any one position at the AGM the nominations of the appointed member for any other position will be voided.
Notices of Motion
In accordance with the rules of the club, notices of other motions to be put to the Meeting must be received by the Club no later than 5 pm Friday 13th October.
Attendance at Meeting
All financial members at the Club are entitled to attend the Meeting. For the purposes of clarity, only members current with their subscription payments are entitled to vote at the Meeting. The quorum for the Meeting is 15 members with voting rights. Please bring your membership card.
We look forward to seeing you on the 13th October.
Peter Schaare
Club President
For and on behalf of the Executive,
Ruakura Campus Club Inc.